An Ode for Distant Lovebirds

Mariah Loves Earth, Species Pigeon/Emotion Love, 2024

Stars that shimmer and gleam

Bring to me a single dream.

A face not seen for quite some time

Shines bright in my yearning mind.

Beloved hearts that once were one

Unravel like a bow undone.

Two satin ends a yard apart,

Are from one ribbon,

That led to one start.

My beloved’s stare my heart doth seek

But at that thought I do grow weak.

A whimper, a quiver, a thought, a dream

A lonely tear to remain with me

My heart has flown to a distant land

And there it remains in my beloved’s hand.




  1. Mariah, your emotional prose evokes a deep longing and a sense of separation. It seems you're yearning for someone dear to you, someone whose absence leaves a void in your heart. The imagery of stars and dreams adds a touch of wistful beauty to your emotions and language. If you'd like to share more or discuss further, feel free.

    1. Thank you for the comment! I am glad that my poetry touched you. I'll be sharing more in the future, so keep an eye out for new posts.


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